Solo City Religious Figures and Beliefs Commitment to Support Peaceful Pilkada

SOLO – Religious leaders and beliefs in Solo City, Central Java agreed to support the peaceful 2020 Pilkada implementation. Meanwhile, this was manifested in a declaration witnessed by representatives from the KPU and Bawaslu of Solo, at one of the Solo Bistro restaurant buildings, Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Solo, Wednesday (16/09/20). Meanwhile, this activity was delivered by the Head of the …

Surakarta Religious Figures and Beliefs Commitment to Support Peaceful-Healthy Solo Pilwakot

SOLO, – Religious leaders and beliefs of Surakarta City agreed to support the implementation of the peaceful Pilkada (Pilwakot) for Solo on December 9, 2020. Six religious leaders and beliefs signed a statement of support for the Peaceful and Healthy Pilkada, as well as delivered a declaration witnessed by representatives from the KPU and Bawaslu of Surakarta City. READ …

Solo Religious Leaders to Supporting Candidates for Peaceful Pilkada Commitment

Solo – Religious leaders and the support team for the pair of Mayor’s candidate and Deputy Mayor, Gibran Rakabuming Raka – Teguh Prakosa, also an individual route for Bagyo Wahyono – F.X. Supardjo (Bajo) agreed to collaborate with the implementation of the Pilkada (Pilwakot) on December 9, 2020. Six religion and belief leaders sign the statement as well as deliver …

Caring for Peace in the New Normal

YPLAG as a non-governmental organization that is engaged in interreligious harmony and belief does not stop at realizing efforts to build and maintain peace, especially in the Solo Raya region. The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been announced by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on March 2, 2020, has affected people’s daily activities. YPLAG is required to be even …

Solo City Tour with Kids, YPLAG Introduces Interfaith Friendship

TRIBUNSOLO.COM – A common space to get to know each other so differences are valued needs to be introduced from childhood. It is therefore expected that the association of children is not limited by tribal, social, cultural, linguistic and religious barriers. Even though they have different backgrounds, children can still play together. Precisely with a different background, children will have …